Internet Explorer 8 – Microsoft Wasting My Time

Yesterday my new machine running Windows Vista declared it had an important update – so I let it go ahead and install Internet Explorer 8.

Big mistake.I mostly use Firefox, but my computer does have Internet Explorer and I do use it for some stuff (mostly because my Firefox is always overloaded with 200+ open tabs of stuff I’m working on).

I carefully closed Explorer checking the “open these tabs next time” and let it upgrade. The first bothersome thing was that the new Internet Explorer (though it seems to have a open my tabs from last time feature) forgot all the tabs I had open.

But then it didn’t matter – because any task was suffiecient to lock up Internet Explorer 8 — and make my whole computer act weird. I couldn’t even open a single web page with gmail without having it freeze.

I fail to see why it was important to do that to me.

Finally a friend suggested I just do a System Restore and back up to before the update. That worked! Yay, back to having a functional computer and only one day wasted thanks to Microsoft.

Other than trying to force all the Windows machines to run Internet Explorer and thus “gain browser market share” — what was the point of this?

1 thought on “Internet Explorer 8 – Microsoft Wasting My Time”

  1. I haven’t had problems with IE8 (yet), but I just learnt that it has an option in the Tools menu called ‘Reopen last browsing session’.
    You need to click that to get the previous tabs back.
    I hope that’s helpful.


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