Jetpack kills Contact Form 7 — Like Because Why Not?

JetPack installs it’s own comment form and kills your nice contact forms that you spent lots of time getting just right…


WordPress gets me again!

See this:

This is very frustrating since one of the happiest features on my site is that my contact Eric Shefferman form has a drop down selection for

  1. Don’t bother to read this email
  2. This is a personal email
  3. This is a business/website related email

I love this feature since almost all the spam I get is marked as “Don’t bother to read this email” by the spammer themselves.

See the instructions on the site linked above to fix this.

To implement my spam solution on your site, just use Contact Form 7 and allow the user to select their subject line like so:

<p>Use this drop down to select a subject (required)<br /> [select* your-subject2 “ES: Don’t bother to read this email” “ES: This is a personal email” “ES: This is a business/website related email”]</p>