Holy mother of toad! Again! WordPress just loves to release those late in the week security updates.
We already know how hackers work — they do a file compare of the old WordPress version to the new one, the write some code to exploit the vulnerability, and then they set the code loose on whatever servers they already control to hack MORE servers and control them too.
Then they go out, party for the weekend, and check in Monday morning to see all the WordPress installs they’ve hacked and can add their porn links to.
You’ve got two choices folks:
1. Get hacked and have all the gurus on WordPress.org blame you for your negligence.
2. Stay in Friday night logging into each of your WordPress installs and clicking the damn UPDATE button and waiting for it to finish. (And if you’re smart, run a backup before you do that.) No party for you
But FINALLY there is a new third choice that actually makes sense!
3. Use ManageWP to administer all your WordPress sites and be able to update them all with ONE click. And then go out and party!
I just used it and now I get to go out and party while feeling a bit safer and secure, knowing that my WordPress sites are all updated to the latest version.
Go there, do it now, the pain of having your site hacked over the weekend is too much. Trust me: been there, done that.