Converting this WordPress site from http: to https: – Part 2

One of the things that kept me from the change to SSL was that my hosting company,, did not have any nice (convenient) way to use the free Let’s Encrypt SLL certificates.

Pair now offers an easy one click interface to set up SSL and they automatically renew the certificates, so there’s really no excuse to not do it.

Sign up for now and enjoy 20% off your first pair Networks bill! Use code:

What does the interface look like? You go to the Manage Your SSL page and look for the button next to your domain name that says:

Click the Let’s Encrypt button and you’re good to go!

After a few minutes (so that you think the computer was doing some really difficult task) it’ll present you with your domain name with a super-intelligent shade of green lock next to it. All done with the easy part!

Now for the less easy part…

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Converting this WordPress site from http: to https: – Part 1

Part 1 – A rant about flaws in the design concept of WordPress

This site launched on September 11, 2006.

At the time, I didn’t love the concept of running software on the server to create the site. I was also looking at this Blosxom software which generated a static site. It’s usage was a little programmer-like rather than writing-like, and WordPress promised a friendly interface for typing.

(If only Microsoft Frontpage had kept on developing…)

Running live website creation software on the server seemed like a bad idea to me. So open for all kinds of security issues, performance issues, and (as time has proved) software update issues. So much yuck for the sake of a certain type of convenience.

Note:  that link to Blosxom is something I just found. It used to be at a URL like and that seems to be some sort of copy on sourceforge. I don’t think Blosxom is updated anymore (although static site generation is becoming a thing again.)

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