Privacy is Dead, but seriously WTF???

I have long felt that privacy is dead and I have started to put together a 30+ part series on privacy is dead because it pops up everywhere, but this just takes the cake and eats it too.

Atari is:

  1. apparently in business – who knew?
  2. has Nolan Bushnell speaking for it (I have no idea what his level of involvement is)
  3. releasing some neat HTML5 code to make it easier to make games in javascript called the Atari Arcade SDK and CreateJS!/CreateJS

and you can currently play these remakes of classic Atari games
(the technology is cool, the gameplay is like the programmers had no idea what was fun about the original games)!/arcade/atari-promo

Now, I’ve thought javascript was a crappy idea since forever and it used to run REALLY slow, but I guess everyone is all hopped up on it for all sorts of modern stuff and hopefully it is being made to run better and faster. Although my gmail still annoyingly crashes every once in a while.

I guess anything is better than flash.

Anyway, it seemed like it was useful to create an account on First name, last name, and birthday are all required fields. OK fine. I expect that. But I didn’t expect them to PUBLISH that info. WTF???

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Why I hate WordPress – Part 9,347

Seriously, And to crap on top of it, I actually do have W3 Total Cache installed and did update it just the other day. However, it only updated “because it’s there” — I don’t actually use it. I just never happened to delete it after I deactivated it. I guess I was hoping I’d … Read more

WordPress – Be Ready To Be Hacked Again

Ahh… the dreaded

3.0.4 Important Security Update

…a very important update to apply to your sites as soon as possible because it fixes a core security bug in our HTML sanitation library, called KSES. I would rate this release as “critical.”

Yeah. What that says to me is, “A hacker has already looked at the vulnerabilities in 3.0.3 and written a script to exploit it and deployed it on the websites he/she has already hacked so that it can go out and get access to even more web servers by simply crawling the web looking for WordPress installations that haven’t been updated yet.”

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