The Best Christmas Movie

… for adults.

I can’t say exactly how I stumbled upon Vendetta. I think I was looking at stuff about stop-motion animation and came across Powell’s site which had a mention of the movie. I watched. I was hooked. There’s so much about this movie that is just RIGHT.

Machine guns, blood, guts, two tough cops, and Santa Claus.

First off — this was done by a bunch of kids who were out to have fun. The claim is that the budget was $100 – which paid for blank video tapes and drinks. Watching the movie, one has to bear in mind how grass-roots this is. I doubt they had permits for anything. They were running around places waving plastic guns and chasing a guy in a Santa suit. People driving by must have wondered what was going on. In the car chase, one gets the feeling that they were doing their best not to scratch mom’s car. They did their own stunts. The steady-cam work was hand-held.

Yet there are so many well-chosen camera angles and dramatic cuts. They emulated so many great buddy-cop show moments. And of course, every character gets to die at least once. It’s everything a film should be — minus the budget.

Watching this, I’d have to say I think I like it more each year. There’s this feeling that these folks will be showing the movie to their grandkids one day and there will be a lot of pride — because they went out a DID this instead of just talking about doing it.

Watch this, and let it inspire you to create something of your own. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be cool.

Legendary tough guys Derrickson and McKeegan are back! Their guns are loaded, they’ve had a lousy night’s sleep, and this time they’re not taking any shit.

It’s just a few days before Christmas when a routine raid goes horribly wrong, triggering a chain of events that propel the boys into a desperate race against time with the odds stacked against them.

So crack open a can of eggnog and get ready for 21 heart-pouding minutes of non-stop action that just might teach you the true meaning of Christmas!

For more info and our free DVD offer, visit:

Legendary tough guys Derrickson and McKeegan are back! Their guns are loaded, they’ve had a lousy night’s sleep, and this time they’re not taking any shit.

It’s just a few days before Christmas when a routine raid goes horribly wrong, triggering a chain of events that propel the boys into a desperate race against time with the odds stacked against them.

So crack open a can of eggnog and get ready for 17 heart-pouding minutes of non-stop action that just might teach you the true meaning of Christmas!

For more info and our free DVD offer, visit:


Best movie promo image ever –

Don’t forget to watch the pilot!