You Are Not Your Customer

Or more politely: I am not my customer.

But it does sound more authoritative when I declare: “You are not your customer.”

Right? It’s like… official.

What I mean is that just because I (or you) wouldn’t pay some amount of money for something, doesn’t mean that someone wouldn’t happily pay that if it somehow represented sufficient value to them.

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Getting WordPress Multisite to Work Part 4

Discover how ManageWP solves all these problems and more!

New way to tackle this… Last night I tried to install WordPress MU instead of WordPress 3 Beta.

After all, I don’t particularly care about the exciting new features — I just want to run multiple domain names off a single WordPress install so I only have to keep one WordPress install updated and secure instead of 10 or 20 or 50.

For all the stuff I’ve seen about installing MU, I thought it was going to be difficult. It wasn’t, but…

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Getting WordPress Multisite to Work Part 2

Discover how ManageWP solves all these problems and more!

It was a rainy night in NYC

I’m getting closer to getting the WordPresss Multisite feature to work for hosting multiple domains with one install.

I went to the WordPress NYC Meetup group last night since they were discussing the features of WordPress 3.0 including Multisite.

As an aside, I’d like to mention that it was a very impressive lecture put on by Steve Bruner and Boone Gorges — both of them know their stuff and know how to explain it. If you’re in the NY area and developing with WordPress I highly recommend this group.

Ah… but as to my particular install problem… not so much insight. I did learn that what I want to do is rather simple compared to what a lot of people in the room are doing.
My goal is to run all the websites I have now with just me as the single user running on a single install of WordPress. It shouldn’t be any particular extra stress on web server resources to do it that way vs. separate installs, but I’ll be able to roll out WordPress updates and plugin features across all my sites with a single button — and thus make it a lot easier to make sure that I always have all security updates in place. Otherwise setting up an additional website is about 10 minutes of “install work” followed by a lifetime of daily maintenance.

So the plan is to get Multisite working and handling all my different domains. And here’s what I’ve got so far:

Getting WordPress Multisite to Work Part 1

Discover how ManageWP solves all these problems and more!


Eventually I get up to the point where the domain mapping plugin tells me:

Please uncomment the line //define( ‘SUNRISE’, ‘on’ ); in your /home/mydomain/public_html/mydomain/wp-config.php

But there isn’t a line with that define in my config.php — which may be because the directions are written for WPmu and not WordPress 3 ?

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